
An innovative path to success

We are proud to be the Middle East’s only certified institute offering the world’s most privileged education in Professional Kinesiology. Accredited by the International College of Professional Kinesiology Practitioners (ICPKP), our curriculum is perfectly designed to fit those who are in pursuit of in-depth knowledge and a fulfilling career in this science of innate healing. We take great care in delivering exceptional standards that will drive you to successfully establish yourself as an independent practicing kinesiologist.

At KinesioCoach, you will gain the profound knowledge required for a professional kinesiologist to be a great achiever in the field, while you cultivate your skills to foster more personal and engaging experiences with the world around you.

Earn as You Learn

As a student, not only you benefit from expanding your knowledge base, but you can also earn enough income to offset your tuition fees. In fact, you can pay for your monthly course fees simply by performing four kinesiology sessions each week. There’s no better way to grow your potential while helping others physically, emotionally and professionally.

ICPKP™ International Diploma in Professional Kinesiology Practice

Duration: 24 months | Prerequisites: Certificate in Basic Kinesiology Practice

Students may pursue their journey towards achieving a Diploma in Professional Kinesiology Practice after completing the Basic Kinesiology Practice certification. This two-year programme highlights the significance of healthy living through clinical studies.

Consisting 16 Modules:

MST 201 – Muscle & Skin Activation

To develop skill and understanding in identifying meridian energy imbalance related to muscles, muscle circuits and skin and applying corrective procedures. Those who have completed this unit will be able to evaluate and balance for skin stretch response; scar re-integration; hyoid; blood chemistry; thymus-spleen energy imbalances; cranial and hand stress receptors; intercostal muscle resets; shapes of structure; under-facilitation or over-facilitation; myotomes; dermatomes; use temporal tap, eye rotations and a PKP database with balancing protocol.

MST 202 – Shoulder, Elbow, Hand Muscles

To develop skill and understanding in analysing muscle energy imbalance in the shoulder girdle and upper limb.  People completing this unit will be able to use manual muscle tests and corrections to facilitate increased function and performance in the shoulder girdle and upper limb.

MST 203 – Hip, Leg, Foot Muscles

To develop skill and understanding in analysing muscle energy imbalances in the hip and lower limb. People completing this unit will be able to use manual muscle tests and corrections to facilitate increased function and performance in the hip and lower limb.

MST 301 – Head, Neck and Torso Muscles

To develop skill and understanding in analysing energy imbalances in the head, neck and torso. People completing this unit will be able to use manual muscle tests and corrections to facilitate increased function and performance in the head, neck and torso.

MST 302 – Touch

To develop skill and understanding of the effect of touch over people. Those who have completed this unit will be able to discuss touching in relation to culture and contact, identify the adverse effects of past and/or present situations involving deprivation, inappropriate or excessive touch; to use intuitive touch in a healing setting and manner; use Kinesiological procedures to defuse associated meridian energy imbalance and assist the client develop a future action plan in relation to touch.

MST 303 – Emotional Anatomy and Intelligence

To develop skill and understanding in using Kinesiology techniques to relieve stress associated with body shape, stance and response to life stressors; develop emotional intelligence; clear deeply imbedded amygdala emotions. Those completing this unit will be able to identify under-bound, over-bound and complex emotional layering responses, and their associated patterns of emotional distress and somatic function; identify and defuse deeply imbedded amygdala emotions; build emotional intelligence in relationships.

JAF 201 – TMJ and Cranial

To develop skills and understanding using Kinesiology techniques to correct meridian energy imbalance in cranium and temporomandibular joint. Those completing this unit will be able to balance energy dysfunction of the cranium and temporomandibular joint, using rebreathing, simultaneous neuro-lymphatic-neurovascular stimulation, cranial inhalation and exhalation reset, sagittal suture-cerebrospinal fluid and inferior occiput techniques.

JAF 301 – Ligaments and Joints

To develop skill and understanding in using Kinesiology techniques to correct energy imbalance in joints. Those who have completed this unit will be able to use shock absorber, local ligament stretch, general adrenal ligament stretch, contralateral joint ligament interlink techniques.

JAF 302 – Inflexibility

To develop skill and understanding in using Kinesiology techniques to correct energy imbalance related to inflexibility.  Those completing this unit will be able to use injury recall, pitch, roll and yaw, strain/ counter-strain, unwinding, homo-lateral muscle, specific exercise selection, CIA stretch and shock absorber techniques.

ECO 201 – Lifestyle and Dietary Modification

To develop skill and understanding in using Kinesiology techniques to correct energy imbalance related to dietary needs. Those completing this unit will be able to use integration for organ energy, addition and/or deletion of specific foods and/or herbs and/or supplements, nutritional analysis, slow/fast vibratory foods, rehydration, sleepers, Riddles points, blood sugar balance, liver function, dysfunctional tissue techniques, and assess the need for lifestyle change.

ECO 202 – Immune Mismatch Response™, IMR™ – Allergies & Hypersensitivities

To develop skill and understanding in using Kinesiology techniques to correct energy imbalance related to allergies and hypersensitivity to food and / or other environmental factors. Those completing this unit will be able to use allergy (sensitivity) modes to identify stressful substances; resolve allergy causal factors.

ECO 301 – Adrenal, Geopathic and Life Energy

To develop skill and understanding in using Kinesiology techniques to increase energy, vitality and high level wellness. Those completing this unit will be able to use the fatigue-vitality, adrenal dysfunction with and/or without activity and lifestyle change enablement techniques; monitor geopathic and geospiritual stress kinesiologically and create a personal enhancement programme.

ECO 302 – Cleansing and Detoxification

To develop skill in rebalancing body energy affected by organisms, foreign chemicals or toxicity in the body and an understanding of detoxification and biochemical pathways. Those completing this unit will be able to identify and resolve excesses of supplements, drugs or medications, foreign chemicals, overgrowths, bacteria, viruses, parasites or heavy metals using physiology processes, biochemical pathways and detoxification processes.

EMS 301 – Emotional Stress Release- Advanced

To develop further skill and understanding in Kinesiology emotional stress release techniques to enhance total body energy. Those who have completed this unit will be able to assist the client: to express and adapt to life events in terms which do not decrease body energy; to recognise in themselves behaviours that are similar to those of either parent or which are a negative reaction to the behaviour of either parent and to be at choice, to make positive adaptive responses and see positive possibilities in their future. Students completing this unit will use meridian-based affirmations to relieve the energy drain of a wounded spirit and have skill in balancing the stresses of reactive emotion responses in the meridian system. They will be able to construct and use a genogram to make meaning of family events and use the sematic cycle and shapes of emotions as stress defusing techniques.

EMS 302 – Subconscious Self Perceptions

To develop skill and understanding in using Kinesiology techniques to correct energy imbalance related to subconscious self-perception. Those completing this unit will be able to use self-image, reactive roles, conflict and reversal, sabotage programme, misunderstanding, misperception, stress statement and hypnotic message techniques.

PIB 203 – Brain Integration Skills – Level 1

To develop skill and understanding in using Kinesiology techniques to correct energy imbalance related to neurological blind spots caused by fear, pain and self-doubt, and learning disabilities and dyslexia’s. Those completing this unit will be able to evaluate energy imbalances related to learning; use centering mechanisms (cloacal, hyoid, gaits), Cook’s technique, Qi-Gong hand balls, cranials, TMJ, fixations, CIA release, lazy 8s, alphabet, numbers, vision education, navel-glabella / frontal eminences / mastoid process, movement, activities, exercises, poly-integration, meta-integration, homo-lateral re-patterning, muscle re-education, enhanced function, brain nutrition, stress words, stress statements, conflicts and reversals; apply prior learning – cross-crawl, auriculars, visuals, switching dehydration, ESR, lung 9.6, body scan, figure-8s, body polarity; utilise the PIB Evaluation Guide and perform an integration balance.

Learn More

Those of you who have completed the certificate in Basic Kinesiology Practice are encouraged to further develop your knowledge and skills in this specialty. Having discovering the wealth of benefits professional kinesiology has to offer, you can now pursue an advanced education and earn the International Diploma of Professional Kinesiology Practice consisting of 10 modules that take two years to complete.

A fundamental element in this curriculum is the Protocols for Professional Kinesiology Practice comprising 16 courses entirely dedicated to kinesiology studies which focus on expanding clinical skills. This module will expose you to muscle management, joint care and various environment protocols. You will learn about emotional anatomy and intelligence, basic brain integration skills, and subconscious factors in influencing self-perception. Understanding dietary and lifestyle behaviours, allergies and sensitivities, and cleansing and detoxification are equally emphasised in this educational programme.

Other areas of focus will lead you to gain incredible insight on chemistry, biochemistry and pathophysiology and their influences on healthcare. You will study about the mechanisms of injury, healing and repair, as well as concentrate on various parts of the body, including the cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems.

World-class Curriculum

Our classes will mainly be instructed at our KinesioCoach centre in Dubai with some modules offered as home study courses. You will also take part in practical work and gain profound experiences in professional kinesiology with the guidance of a registered practitioner. At the end of each module, you will be required to submit an online exam through the International College of Professional Kinesiology Practitioners’ (ICPKP) website.

Smooth Learning Experience

We have done our best to ensure you enjoy a smooth learning experience and achieve success throughout this two-year programme in professional kinesiology. KinesioCoach offers a practical payment plan to assist in financing your education where tuition fees are set up in in monthly instalments. The tuition includes all course materials, access to ICPKP’s advanced online learning facility and faculty support.

Flexible Schedule

Our flexible course agenda can easily accommodate those who want to further their education but are tied down to busy work schedules. With classes held once a month for three consecutive days that conveniently fall over weekends, you still have ample time to enjoy plenty of other professional, social and personal activities.

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ICPKP™ Basic Kinesiology Practice

Duration: 12 months | Prerequisites: None

This 12-month curriculum introduces important areas of professional kinesiology where students can build the skills needed to become practitioners. Designed to be enjoyable, easy and enlightening, these workshops benefit those looking to explore inspiring career paths, develop new skills, and promote their health and lifestyle.

12 Modules consist of:


To develop basic self-care Kinesiology skills. Those completing this unit will be able to define Kinesiology, identify basic anatomical parts and planes of the body, use meridian trace, Neuro-Emotional, Neuro-Lymphatic, and Neuro-Vascular reflex points, body testing, walking gaits, simple emotional stress release, emotional trigger words, cross-crawl, auricular energy and visual inhibition techniques, with or without a specific goal, and perform a ‘Time of Day’ Kinesiology balance for self-care.

BKP 102 – Manual Muscle Testing

To develop proficiency in manual muscle testing. Those completing this unit will be able to use muscle testing accurately, observe cautionary measures in evaluating body energy, apply pre- and post-evaluation procedures, demonstrate clear circuit muscle testing and muscle facilitation/inhibition; identify dehydration, ionization, neurological dis-organization (switching), Central Vessel integrity and thymus energy imbalance; perform origin/insertion and spindle/golgi techniques; identify the bones of the skeleton and perform an energy balance on others. This unit is suitable for people with entry level skills and attitudes appropriate to activities involving physical touch.

BKP 103 – 5 Element Introduction (Yin Balance)

To develop an elementary understanding of and facility in using basic 5-Element principles for energy balancing. Those completing this unit will be able to demonstrate skill; apply sound, colour, food, emotional and vertebral balancing techniques; utilize circuit locating, and the challenge; use the 5-Element principle to perform an eight muscle energy balance and select the priority balancing procedure.

BKP 104 – Kinesiology & Superficial Connections

To introduce an understanding of the history, philosophy and principles of Kinesiology; to extend the understanding of meridians and their related organ systems and to develop proficiency in a 14 muscle wheel balance. Those completing this unit will be able to perform a 14 muscle goal balance with, and/or without, a surrogate; utilize the More and Priority modes; describe body movements in anatomical terms and create a simple record of a client balance.

BKP 105- 5 Elements in Depth

To extend the understanding of, and facility in, using the 5-Element principles and 5-Element emotions for energy balancing. To develop understanding of and facility in using alarm points, luo points, acupressure holding points; to extend the range of meridian energy indicator muscle tests and recognize the muscles’ action in sport and exercise. Those completing this unit will be able to use the 5-Element principles, alarm points, luo points, acupressure holding points and the yin/yang principles to perform a 5-Element one-point goal balance.

RBT 201 – Clinical Body Contact & Palpation

To develop professionalism, skill and understanding in using Kinesiology techniques related to body contact. Those completing the assessment journal for this unit are able to: prepare for and establish clinical body contact; maintain clinical body contact; and cease body contact in a kinesiology setting; describe and demonstrate palpatory sense; use palpation to assess the client muscle state; demonstrate surface anatomy for 26 indicator muscles and integrate palpatory findings into the management of the client in a kinesiology clinical practice setting.

BKP 106 – Professional Skills Balancing Protocol with Database

To develop skill and understanding in the use of basic professional Kinesiology techniques.Those who have completed this unit will be able to use effective listening skills to establish client rapport, work effectively with others as part of a health team, understand the history of kinesiology, be able to use finger modes and know the contraindications to kinesiology balancing; the Professional Kinesiology Practitioners’ Database concept, the simplified PKP protocol and age recession.

BKP 107- Pain Reduction

To develop skill in using Kinesiology techniques to reduce physical pain. Those completing this unit will be able to pre- and post-evaluate pain levels on a standard scale and use emotional and postural stress release, meridian flow adjustment, muscle energy techniques, cross crawl exercise, figure-8, marine (shell) spiral energy, specific neuromuscular reset technique, energy stroking and food or supplements to reduce physical pain.

BKP 108 – History/Balancing with Food

To extend an understanding of the development (philosophy and principles) of kinesiology. To develop an understanding of the chain of life, the six stages of nutrition, food combining; the concept of biogenic, biostatic, biocidic substances; to construct a diet using 5-Element, food family and food rotation principles; to develop skill in using CL and ear acu-point sensitivity tests. Those completing the Assessment Journal for this unit will be able to use food to improve 5-Element energy, meridian and muscle function to balance body energy.

BKP 109 – Advanced Muscle Techniques, Reactivity & Posture

To develop skill and understanding in correcting reactivity in muscles and meridians with (and without) circuit retaining or reactive modes. To develop skill in observing postural imbalance; to extend techniques in balancing energy in muscles using finger modes. Those completing this unit will be able to demonstrate muscle facilitation and inhibition; identify and correct muscle and meridian reactivity, evaluate posture, apply muscle stretch response, sustained muscle use, hidden muscle failure, specific circuit and contralateral spindle techniques to improve posture and function.

BKP 110 – Client Health Records and Professional Relationships

To establish, utilize and update a client health record; communicate in a professional manner and set clear boundaries in a kinesiology practice; establish personal ethical behaviour and respect client’s rights in a health care context. Those who have completed the Assessment Journal for this unit will be able to describe professional health care relationships, set clear boundaries and communicate with both individuals and groups in a professional manner; function in an ethical manner, respect the rights of clients and liaise with other health practitioners in a professional manner; apply client history to establish desired outcomes, maintain client rapport, facilitate client towards self-responsibility model, keep clinical records, make necessary referrals.

EMS 201 – Mastery of Emotional Stress Release

To develop skill and understanding in the use of the frontal/occipital stress release technique including the application of active listening and role play. Those who have completed this unit will be able to use basic frontal/occipital holding, assist the client: to find new resources, apply the video-rewrite method, brainstorm, make up new possibilities, use their senses and intuition, state what they are feeling, want and are willing to do to achieve this, with or without the use of imagery including but not limited to jewels, balloons, grounding rods, picture frames and symbolic encapsulation and the hypothesis of an older, wiser self, to enable the client to defuse stress related to but not limited to challenges to their authority and terminating a relationship within or without the context of active listening or role play.

Learn More

Your first step towards embarking on a career in Professional Kinesiology is right here. The Basic Kinesiology Practice (BKP) is a certification programme that provides a broad exposure of the fundamental concepts behind kinesiology and lays the foundation for students to become successful practitioners.

This engaging programme comprises eleven modules that are taught over a period of 12 months. You will learn the Foundational Principles of KinesiologyTM by experiencing professional touch, muscle testing and basic kinesiology procedures that focus on various elements within the body. Moreover, you will gain extensive knowledge on pain reduction procedures, diet awareness, various postures, muscle stretches and powerful techniques to defuse stress through our exclusive Foundational Principles of Professional Kinesiology Practice module.

The curriculum introduces professional communication skills and basic counselling techniques that will help you connect effortlessly with clients. You will learn to administer safe and professional practices working within a professional kinesiology framework. You will also train to make referrals to other healthcare professionals as you develop business management skills and cover a detailed knowledge of anatomy and physiology.

World-class Curriculum

While classes will mainly be instructed at our KinesioCoach centre in Dubai, some modules are home study courses focused on natural health therapies that enable you to be part of a healthcare team, participate in a clinical environment, and keep you and others safe.

At the end of each module, you will be required to submit an online exam through the International College of Professional Kinesiology Practitioners’ (ICPKP) website.

Smooth Learning Experience

We have done our best to ensure you enjoy a smooth learning experience and achieve success throughout this one-year certification programme in professional kinesiology. KinesioCoach offers a practical payment plan to assist in financing your education where tuition fees are set up in monthly instalments. The tuition includes all course materials, access to ICPKP’s advanced online learning facility and faculty support.

Flexible Schedule

Our flexible course agenda can easily accommodate those who want to further their education but are tied down to busy work schedules. With classes held once a month for three consecutive days that conveniently fall over weekends, you still have ample time to enjoy plenty of other professional, social and personal activities.

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